Logistics planning is a crucial step in off-site prefabrication of timber or steel wall, floor, and roof panels. The more efficiently it can be done contributes to time and cost savings as well as overall sustainability as the project moves from the design phase to the construction site.

Many factors must be taken into account, like size and weight restrictions, optimal stack size, weight distribution, sequence of stacking, storage, time of arrival on site, etc. Because of limitations in Revit, architectural technicians, BIM managers, and others involved in design often face problems like these:
No way to plan a timed sequence of steps with live elements in model space to reflect the packing, delivery, and layout of prefab panels.
No easy way to plan site area management ahead of time.
No tools to make live data (families) representing the size of each prefab panel.
That’s why we made our Panel Packer add-on for Revit. To give technicians and project planners the tools and built-in flexibility they need to plan out logistics for projects comprising prefabricated wood or metal panels.
We’ll be hosting a free 20-minute webinar on March 31 showing how to use Panel Packer to help you thoroughly plan and prepare before on-site assembly commences. We hope you can join us!
In this webinar, you’ll see:
- How to organize prefabricated panels into stacks
- How to use configurations to pack efficiently
- How to create layouts and stacks in Revit project

This webinar is for:
BIM managers, architectural technicians, BIM technicians, and BIM consultants.
If you want to develop and maintain a good reputation when it comes to collaborating with sub-contractors and co-designers, enter the next level of digital transformation, and save human and environmental resources, this webinar is for you.
Thursday, March 31, 2022
(US Central)
(Central European)
Your host
Povilas Sindriūnas
BIM Application Engineer


For architects, structural engineers, builders, manufacturers, and other construction industry professionals who deal with prefabricated building components, AGACAD provides Panel Packer, a Revit add-on that allows users to efficiently pack pre-assembled wall, floor, and roof panels for storage and transportation to site.
Panel Packer works in tandem with our Wood Framing and Metal Framing Revit add-ons, allowing users to complete the entire design and production process in Revit: from modeling and framing all the way through to packing.
Find out more about how Panel Packer makes prefab logistics simple >>
We hope to see you online!