CNC Exporters for Wood/Metal Framing Compatible with Revit 2022. PLUS New Exporters for EasyFrame & Pinnacle

While almost all AGACAD products are available through the Tools4BIM Dock, we do offer some specialized products that have to be installed separately. Those would be our exporters for sending wood and metal frames from Revit to CNC machines and CAD/CAM production lines for prefabrication.

As previously announced, the 2022 versions of all AGACAD applications accessible via the Dock have been released, so all those Revit plugins can be downloaded by Revit 2022 users. Now we’re pleased to inform you that we’ve released 2022 versions of our Wood / Metal CNC Exporters as well! So now producers of timber-framed and light-steel-framed buildings can press forward with their latest designs and rest assured that they can be output to machines for prefab.

For current CNC Exporter users: If you’d like to upgrade to the latest version, hit the Contact Us button down below and let us know what you need.

Product Launches: EasyFrame and Pinnacle Exporters

Another important piece of news we’d like to share is that we’ve added a couple of new products to our lineup of CNC Exporters for wood and metal framing. In addition to exporters for popular CNC machines like Weinmann, Randek, and Hundegger on the timber side and Howick, Metroll, Royal, and Scottsdale on the steel, we now offer exporters compatible with EasyFrame and Pinnacle machines (wood and metal, respectively).

Want to try out our EasyFrame or Pinnacle exporter or perhaps one of our other existing exporters? One of our BIM experts would be happy to give you a live demo and answer questions you may have.

Coming Soon

Our offering of CNC Exporters on the timber framing side will be expanding further! An exporter for Spida Machinery is coming soon. The final testing of this exporter is now underway, so stay tuned for its release.

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