Want to efficiently model reinforcement for precast concrete columns in Revit? We’ve got a new tool coming out called Column Reinforcement that does exactly that. Made for rectangular columns with corbels, it’s ideal for precast designs though it can also be used for cast-in-situ.
On September 17th we’re hosting a free webinar in which we’ll showcase the automated placement of main reinforcement, stirrups, and corbel rebar via user-defined layout rules in the Column Reinforcement addin. Sign up in the table below!
The results you’ll see in this webinar are various rebar configurations applied to several types of columns with corbels as well as how to model precast columns with connection details and generate the requisite shop drawings.
The 45-minute webinar will be held twice, so please register for the session that’s more convenient for you. We invite structural engineers, modelers, and really anyone who wants to place reinforcement in Revit more efficiently. Join in and get a look at the newest feature of AGACAD’s Precast Concrete BIM design software for Revit!

What will be covered:
- Workflow for setting up rebar configurations and applying them on different column types with corbels.
- How to use AGACAD’s Precast Concrete for modeling precast columns with connections and getting shop tickets for them.



Our Column Reinforcement tool for Autodesk Revit enables you to create reinforcement for a group of selected columns all at once, using predefined configurations in Revit. Plus you can update and modify as needed, reuse configurations for future projects, and share them with your colleagues. The plugin creates main reinforcement, stirrups, and corbel rebar based on the rules you set in the configurations.
Column Reinforcement is the newest feature of our Precast Concrete design software that enables you to efficiently model prefabricated concrete walls, floor slabs, columns, and beams; batch-insert connection details (lifting anchors, bolts, cuts, couplers, corbels, etc.); place rebar in wall panels (solid, double, and sandwich), beams (rectangular, L, and IT), and columns; and quickly generate shop tickets with proper element views, dimensions, and bills of materials.

We hope to see you online!
Download our TOOLS4BIM Dock (it’s free), and take a trial of our Precast Concrete BIM Software PLUS get instant access to our free extensions: Smart Select, Smart Browser Free, and Cut Opening Free.

Client stories about precast concrete design
- Kerkhoff Engineering (Canada): “Cut down on coordination time and errors during construction”
- Norconsult (Norway): “The Precast Concrete suite brought efficiency and flexibility”
- JPS-Konsult (Sweden): “We’re hooked on Precast Concrete and other AGACAD solutions”
- Savolainen (Finland): Precast suite has “game-breaker” BIM tools
- BIM4ALL (Netherlands): “We’ve gotten some really good tips that certainly have helped us in our work”
- Hanssen Pty (Australia): “Shop drawings faster than ever, greater consistency”