Looking for a way to efficiently distribute hangers and supports for duct, pipe, conduit, and cable tray systems in Revit? Register for our free 30-minute webinar taking place on October 15th! You’ll see how to do that and more in this expert-level tutorial on using our MEP Hangers BIM Solution for Revit.

The webinar will be held twice, so please register for the session that’s more convenient for you. We invite all MEP & structural engineers as well as BIM coordinators to take a look and evaluate this tool. We hope you’ll join in!
[icon name=”bullseye” class=”2x”] Choose the most convenient time. Choose the session according to your time zone.
Session 1
Thursday, October 15, 2020
10:00-10:30 AM Central European
Most convenient for:
Europe, Africa, Asia, Oceania
Session 2
Thursday, October 15, 2020
10:00-10:30 AM US Central
Most convenient for:
America, Europe, Africa
MEP Hangers is a powerful tool made to save time for HVAC engineers, fire protection engineers, plumbers, electricians, and BIM managers working in Revit. It uses flexible rules to add or modify hangers or supports in a selected MEP system and distributes them according to the inter-bearing distance or as a fixed number per segment. It can also split MEP line-based elements into predefined lengths, mark components for fabrication, and export bearing points to drilling robots.
The result you’ll see is an MEP model with hangers placed on all line-based MEP elements, connecting them to walls, floors, roof, or columns in the linked project according to user pre-defined rules. Hangers will have the parameters needed for scheduling and additional information added such as their coordinates in the project for drilling automation.
Topics to be covered:
- Placing hangers on ducts, pipes, conduits, and cable trays in Revit
- Connecting hangers to structural elements in a linked model
- Splitting MEP elements into pre-set lengths
- Auto-copying shared parameters from structural and MEP elements into hangers
Your host


MEP Hangers is a Revit extension that automatically distributes hangers/supports for pipes/ducts/conduit/cable trays throughout a Revit model per your predefined, custom rules. Sloped services and sloped structural elements are accounted for. It also automatically sizes hangers and supports according MEP service size, calculates the requisite hanger strength, splits MEP line-based elements into manufacturer’s predefined lengths, marks components for fabrication, and exports bearing points to drilling robots and tools by Trimble or TopCon. IFC compatible. Works with linked projects.

Sesion 1
Thursday, October 15, 2020
10:00-10:30 AM Central European
Most convenient for:
Europe, Africa, Asia, Oceania
Sesion 2
Thursday, October 15, 2020
10:00-10:30 AM US Central
Most convenient for:
America, Europe, Africa
Choose the session according to your time zone. We hope to see you online!

Download our TOOLS4BIM Dock (it’s free), and take a trial of our MEP Hangers BIM Solution PLUS get instant access to our free extensions: Cut Opening Free, Smart Select, and Smart Browser Free.