AGA CAD Products Are Already Used in 129 Countries Around the World

globe_of_flags (Custom)We are very happy to announce, that after the analysis of the last year activities we have defined not only a significant increase of the Company sales and customer base growth (compared with the Year 2012 activities the number of AGA CAD product users has increased by 25%). Since the end of 2010, when AGA CAD began to develop extensions for Autodesk® Revit®, known under the brand T4R© (Tools 4 Revit) and distributing them, the number of countries to which AGA CAD products are exported strongly expanded.

During all the years of the Company activities geography of our products’ commercial licenses expanded up to 76 countries worldwide or up to 129 countries if we calculate users of AGA CAD free products too. This is a really large number knowing that there are 196 countries in the world.

AGA CAD export geography was growing the most rapidly in 2012. Over that year our products were sold even in 54 new countries, and at the end of the year 2012 T4R market expanded up to 107 countries. Currently, as it was mentioned above, AGA CAD products are already used in 129 countries around the world.

The USA, the Netherlands, United Kingdom, Poland, and Australia are the main countries (top 5 regions) with the largest AGA CAD client number there. These countries Revit users make almost a half of all AGA CAD customers. Also a significant number of T4R product buyers is in Scandinavian countries, Germany, Canada, Slovakia. Minimal number of AGA CAD customers is in Antigua and Barbuda, Cape Verde, Curacao, Rwanda, and Macau, where the number of Revit users (potential customers) is not large.

In the future, the development of export volume has much promising prospects for the Russian market where a number of Revit users is constantly growing, and there is the greatest interest in AGA CAD products. Of course it is influenced by active marketing efforts of our product reseller the Company PSS which seeks to promote awareness of AGA CAD developed tools for Revit. Also we are glad to announce that this year our Company has started to export its products to the Middle East region where the company Omnix International will represent AGA CAD software starting in the middle of March 2014.

AGA CAD team is also trying to spread information about AGA CAD as widely as possible, so that more and more Revit users from different corners of the world could find out about T4R (Tools 4 Revit) extensions and BIM solutions. Currently, the company is negotiating with several potential resellers and seeking to start new business contacts, so over this year we are planning to expand AGA CAD export map more.

You can find AGA CAD export map below:

2014 03 18 AGA CAD user countries-2013

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