Posts related to "Wood Framing"

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Smart Assemblies Application Is Updated and Compatible with Autodesk® Revit® 2015!

We have good news: today Tools 4 Revit team has released one more BIM solution, compatible with Autodesk® Revit® 2015. After the Easter holiday we devoted all our energy to new versions development.

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How to Control Revit® Element Orientation in Assembly Front View?

Less than two months ago we released BIM solution Smart Assemblies for Autodesk® Revit® software. This application creates assemblies and corresponding views from selected architectural or structural...

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New Smart Assemblies Version Has Been Released!

Today we release new Smart Assemblies version 2014. 2! In general, we are releasing 2-3 new our tool’s versions for one Revit version.

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AGA CAD Products Are Already Used in 129 Countries Around the World

We are very happy to announce, that after the analysis of the last year activities we have defined not only a significant increase of the Company sales and customer base growth (compared with the Year...

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Software Subscription and Its Benefits: Main Things You Need to Know

Subscriptions are nothing new nowadays. Microsoft’s customers have been purchasing Software Assurance subscriptions for all of their software for years.

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New BIM Solution Smart Assemblies Has Been Released!

Are you tired of shop drawing creation in Revit? Do you need to streamline your documentation process? We know what can help you. When our project managers noticed that the workflow with assemblies i...

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HOT NEWS: New BIM Solution for Autodesk® Revit® Is Coming Soon!

As you know, we are constantly adding new products to AGA CAD product portfolio. Hope it would be interesting to you to know that we are currently working on the newest product Smart Assemblies.

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FAQ of Revit User: How Can I Know about AGACAD tools4revit Software Update?

We would like to encourage all our current customers as well as new ones to sign up for our newsletter and receive information on updates of BIM solutions and extensions for Autodesk® Revit®, new sof...

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Challenges of Sustainable Design

Sustainable design is the factually loudest buzzword in an AEC industry. It is actually a very good trend because an impact of the construction sector to the climate change is the second largest in E...

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