Last week the ARKANCE software edition teams met in Vilnius, bringing together about 60 team members from across four ARKANCE Portfolio IP entities. Also present as guest of honor was Philippe Monnoyer, CEO of Groupe Monnoyeur.
The Agacad and SBS Group teams from Lithuania and representatives of Pointscene from Finland and of the product development team of ARKANCE’s private label Holixa product from Czech Republic and Bosnia all came together for a day of building team synergy. For many people in the room, it was the first time they had met, so it was a wonderful chance to get to know new faces and talk over coffee, as going forward they will work more closely as a joint Portfolio team.

Presentations during the first half of the day familiarized everyone with the work of their counterparts. A few directors and representatives from each team showcased their products and clients who have benefited from their work.
For his part, Mr Monnoyeur welcomed and encouraged everyone, ensuring them of the importance of their work to the Groupe’s overall strategy of developing its own products that give it a competitive edge. Christophe Ho-Van, EVP of Portfolio at ARKANCE echoed this sentiment, stating, “Clients choose us thanks to this portfolio. If we provide the full lifecycle of products, we’ll stand out from competitors.”
During his presentation, Senior BIM Application Engineer & Head of Consulting at Agacad Andrius Bialyj made the point that by using tools that improve the efficiency and quality of design work, “building engineers create better designs, and in this way we can help create better construction results.”
In addition to meeting and learning from new colleagues, it was also a day for saying farewell to those with whom we’ve worked for a long time.
Indeed, it was the end of an era for the Agacad team, as long-time managing director Donatas Aksomitas and head of marketing and human resources Asta Aksomitienė made their exit from the company after nearly 30 years of inspiring leadership. The farewell video created by the Agacad team was a tearjerker. Hardly a dry eye was left in the room.
After lunch, the rest of the day’s program was devoted to personal and team growth. A lecture about resilience was given by Rima Vanagė, an expert in organizational behaviour, a motivational speaker, and associate professor of partnership at Vilnius University. Her lecture was followed by some practical training.
During this part of the workshop, the Agacad and SBS Group team members expanded their perspective, learned how to discover personal strengths, how to find out how others perceive you, and how to increase team efficiency in just 10 minutes.
After the Synergy Day concluded, the teambuilding continued in a cocktail bar under the centuries-old vaults of a former monastery, where the teams got to socialize in an informal environment.
The Synergy Day served as an introduction to the close cooperation between the API development teams of ARKANCE. The main outcome of the day was a better understanding of ourselves and others, which will help us work together as a unified ARKANCE Portfolio team.