February 24, 2022. The date Ukrainians and the rest of the world will never forget.
The invasion of Ukraine by Russian troops that began on that day brings back to all of us memories of wartime, cold or hot, in Europe that we would have preferred to keep in the history books.
The current geopolitical context leads us to cease commercial operations with Russia after the sanctions pronounced against Russia for its unprovoked invasion of Ukraine. AGACAD has suspended any direct or indirect supply of new AEC technologies and services to Russian counterparts and to Russia in general.
While we will continue to provide post-purchase support to our existing customers in these countries, our primary focus will be on the welfare of our clients in Ukraine.
AGACAD employees also contribute to urgently needed humanitarian aid to the citizens of Ukraine by supporting the following humanitarian aid organisations:
- UNICEF (United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund)
- International Committee of the Red Cross
- Doctors Without Borders
- Voices of Children
- Save the Children
Every one of us can also donate to the aid organisation of our choice to help innocent people.
Don’t be indifferent!