Smart Details – New Efficiency Level Accomplished!

Smart Details can instantly add any number of face-specific intelligent details – which adapt to host-element changes – throughout BIM models. Easily set up rules to insert or adjust details based on gravity point, depth, adjacent elements and more.

Over the past few months, our Smart Details solution has been updated with several different features, so I want to list the updates and give a brief overview of them all in one place.

Performance improvements.

The speed of Smart Details has been dramatically increased, making all operations much, much faster than previous versions! Speed is always a good thing!

Now compatible with additional categories.

Columns, Foundations, Ducts, Cable Trays, Pipes. You can now distribute details on the faces of these elements too.

More details can be inserted on one face.

We have doubled the number of slots to create rules for details now. This flexibility gives much more freedom in creating solid body and void families.

New options in Layout Correction by Elements

These allow you to find and insert details at connection/intersection points with certain elements, and you can define what kind of detail should be inserted at which type of connection. In addition, you can now search for connecting elements vertically and horizontally.

A few examples of such connections:

It feels great to be part of a team that creates solutions that eliminate unnecessary tasks in the everyday life of the engineer. When inserting details into a project, all repetitive actions may be reduced with the help of Smart Details.

It’s been a productive and creative 2016, but I am sure there is more to come in 2017! Stay tuned!


We welcome you to download a FREE TRIAL and experience Smart Details benefits by yourself. You can also request a live demo with our BIM Application Engineer.

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