New Release Announcement: New Wood Framing Wall+ Version for Advanced Wall Framing

Our team works intensively developing our applications for Autodesk® Revit®. We strive to create BIM solutions that would be market leaders due to their wide functionality and possibility to enhance work efficiency of Revit users.
This time, according to Scandinavian frame house designers preferences we have improved our BIM solution Wood Framing Wall+.

After implementing the innovations, we have created a program for wooden frame wall openings, for which there are no analogues in software market. Revit users using our Wood Framing Wall+ now can create multi-layer framing with complex connections, predefine complex headers and sills for framed wall openings, distribute vertical and horizontal nailers and sidings, easily control Bridging and Noggin placement, distribute any frame connection details and more.

Check out all 15 important new features and improvements that make Wood Framing Wall+ a unique and very powerful software for timber-framed building designers.

Wood Framing Wall+ v2015.5 and v2014.5 – what’s new:

1. New innovative and powerful features allow Revit users to create multi-layer framing with complex connections. Each layer can have predefined connection configuration for L (inner / outer) corners, T and End Connections:

2. L Connections, End Connections and T Connections are supplemented with more flexible options – now you can predefine outer corners, B (Butt) outer corners, inner corners or B (Butt) inner corners.

Wood Framing Wall+ recognizes inner and outer corners so you can adjust different joints. It gives you more flexibility in modeling and easily handling with complex situations:

3. Wood Framing Wall+ from now on includes more L and T corner types:

4. Added an option to predefine start and end connections for a light wood frame construction wall:

5. Wood Framing Wall+ allows predefining custom families and complex headers and sills for windows, doors or other openings (see an example on the right side >).

6. Now designers of timber-framed buildings can distribute not just vertical nailers but horizontal nailers as well because there is a new feature that distributes horizontal nailers automatically in the new Wood Framing Wall+ version:

7. Possibility to add two additional continuous Bridging, Nogging or Blocking into the frame using different rules:

8. Added an option to control Bridging and Nogging placements. It can go through the frame, through except openings or only through the openings:

For example, there are two top headers added automatically above openings:

9. Added an option to add secondary Bridging, Nogging or Blocking:

10. Powerful functionally is included to distribute any fastening details in the frame. You can very easily predefine different insertion rules for 4 detail families:


11. Powerful functionally is included to distribute any details on the stud. You can very easily predefine different insertion rules for 4 detail families:

For example, void family is added automatically in the connection between wooden stud and a noggin to cut the stud with predefined distance:

12. Added Update Framing by Wall Link and Update Opening by Wall Link features that reframe frame or selected opening frames to the default that is configured under ‘Framing Configuration’:

13. Added a new Save Configuration w/o Openings feature saves configuration of selected frame without settings for openings. This feature is very useful if you have already framed wall and you lost configuration that was used for this wall. Configuration is required to frame new walls:

You just need to select any frame from a wall and save configuration under your name:

Now you will be able to use this configuration for new or existing walls:

14. Added a possibility to distribute vertical, not just horizontal sidings automatically:
You can see the result with vertical sidings below:

This new feature of vertical siding distribution allows you to dispose of two layer sidings with user predefined spacing:

15. Added a new feature to distribute mixed vertical and horizontal sidings:

Example with vertical siding and horizontal wooden members that goes only through the openings:

New version of the Wood Framing Wall+ solution, v2015.5 (2014.5), is already officially released so you are welcome to download and try it:

Wood Framing Wall+ download page

If you are using 2015.4, 2014.4 or older versions, please finish all your last projects with that Wall+ version before the upgrade download. Only then we recommend you to download the newest Wall+ version 2015.5 or 2014.5.

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