How to Sort and Number Revit® Elements in Particular Order

Many of our clients using time saving tool Sort Mark like this Revit® extension flexibility. Sort Mark easily sorts and renumbers any Revit graphical, architectural and structural elements and adds a “mark” value in the way that Revit user needs. I have decided to dedicate today’s post for Sort Mark flexibility and I’ll show you a real example how to sort and number Revit elements in your required order.

First of all, let me start with the question that was sent by one of our clients: “For the ‘Sort Number’ command I can’t get it to number my columns from ‘left to right and top to bottom’. See below the numbering I want to achieve. Can you help me with what parameters I need to have in the fields? I’m using the ‘mark’ parameter:

Sort Mark-numbers in particular order-1

If you need to make this kind of numbering, please perform 5 configuration steps those you should use to achieve special Sort Numbering:






The result of sorting & numbering is shown in the picture below:

Sort Mark-numbers in particular order-7

If you have different column types, the extension for Revit Sort Mark will give you a more impressive result:

Sort Mark-numbers in particular order-8

But what to do if Revit user has more complex sorting conditions? Please read the next example of our client request: “See picture below: is it possible for the automatic numbering to understand the following:

  1. Number left to right, top to bottom
  2. Where next column above is in the same position it will have the same ‘mark’ number
  3. Where the next column position above is not in the same position it’s a new number

Below show mark number 1C5, BUT 2C5 IS IN A DIFFERENT POSITION and should actually be new number (2C7). I have attached the project for you to look at as well”:

Sort Mark-numbers in particular order-9

In this case you need to add grids (usually all columns are created according to the grids). Then you can use “Column Location Mark” for numbering:

Sort Mark-numbers in particular order-10

Please also check several configuration settings:






When you indicate all configuration settings for Revit elements, the result will as in the picture below:

Sort Mark-numbers in particular order-16

So you can see from these two numbering samples that Sort Mark add-on is really flexible and time saving helper for all Autodesk® Revit® software users. If you have not tried it earlier, download fully functional Sort Mark trial and try it now.

I would also very appreciate if you let me know whether my advice help you.

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