Dear Clients, Colleagues, Friends and Followers,
Showing that we care about others is at the heart of the holiday spirit. We do so by what we write and say and do, and sometimes by thoughtful gifts. That helps build up and sustain our ties of friendship and love, so that they’ll last a long, long time.
We care about you too, as we try to show in our work throughout the year.

And we also care about future generations. So, knowing the key role that architecture, engineering and construction play in sustainable development, we strive to contribute in big ways and small, and invite you to do so as well. For a greener planet today and tomorrow. A better place to live.
Hence our holiday wish, for you and for the building industry, is what lasts, what is sustainable and enduring. Since we care about the happiness of your home and the homes of the future too.
Merry Christmas to you and a happy, caring, wonderful New Year!
The AGACAD team