Easy-to-use Sort Mark extension for Autodesk® Revit® software is a powerful tool that allows you to renumber elements in different ways and write additional information to selected elements. Perhaps not everyone knows that Sort Mark writes swing direction not only for doors but for windows as well.
Question that has reached us: Sort Mark has the “Write Swing Direction for Doors” tool. Could I use this for windows as well?
Yes, our Sort Mark works for windows too, the same as for other categories (furniture, lighting devises etc.). You just have to use other function “Write Flip/Mirror Orientation”:

The “Write Flip/Mirror Orientation” function writes flip/mirror orientation values to the user created or selected instance text parameter.
First, the category has to be selected:

Then select or create a new parameter where to write orientation values:

Also this dialog allows creating new instance shared parameters assigned to windows or other category. These parameters can be used later in the schedules and tags.
In the configuration form you need to define the values for not flipped/mirrored and for flipped/mirrored elements:


Please do all above mentioned steps and all directions of windows for your project will be defined.
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