AGACAD Representative Was Awarded for Merit Implementing BIM Methodology

AGACAD team is proud to announce that company’s leader Donatas Aksomitas received an award at the largest international BIM conference in the Baltic countries „Digital Construction 2016. Vilnius“ at the end April this year for contributions implementing BIM (Building Information Modelling) methodology in Lithuania. Awards in acknowledgement of great contribution digitalizing Lithuanian construction sector and implement BIM in Lithuania were received by only 4 people that actively contributed to improvement of competitiveness in Lithuanian construction industry.

This imposing award was appointed by conference organizer Public Institution “Digital Construction”, which unites 13 country’s construction sector’s associations*, representing engineering, infrastructure, construction, manufacturing and project expertise companies. This Public Institution seeks to raise awareness about BIM, therefore it is annually organizing BIM conferences. Current BIM development affairs, achievements and potential of construction digitalization in Lithuania were discussed in international annual conference “Digital Construction 2016. Vilnius”.

Visitors of the event could plumb the depths of BIM influence on structure maintenance and life-cycle management, see the best BIM projects and BIM methodology application examples in Lithuania and abroad. Furthermore, as mentioned previously, during the conference people that contributed the most to Lithuanian construction sector’s digitalization were awarded for the first time, among whom the CEO of AGACAD Donatas Aksomitas was mentioned.

AGACAD contribution to development of BIM standards in Lithuania and Europe

Since 2012, AGACAD leader Donatas Aksomitas was already actively engaged in social activities, committed to initiative of digital construction implementation, and promotion of BIM progress in Lithuania. He contributed to Public Institution’s “Digital Construction” foundation as well as to the idea and organization of the first two conferences “Digital Construction” (2012-2013).

“Digital Construction is a public initiative therefore digital construction progress is a responsibility of all construction sector participants. I am convinced that everyone can contribute to Lithuania’s as innovative country’s success,” – says Donatas Aksomitas, who currently is not only the CEO of AGACAD, but also manager of Public Institution’s “Digital Construction” National construction classification work group, a member of this institution’s BIM standard development group, as well as a member of Lithuania’s Standardization Department’s LST TK 88 group.

AGACAD 1991 – 2016: 25 years of insight

This award is not only a significant evaluation of AGACAD director’s activities. At the same time it confirms that company, which this year celebrates its 25th anniversary, is on the right way of innovation development.

AGACAD, which not only develops and implements BIM software and consults designers on their operational performance enhancement issues, but also contributes to BIM standards’ development in Europe, is a company of BIM experts committed to AEC market’s innovation implementation.

The award, presented to AGACAD representative for merits implementing BIM in Lithuania, reveals how much AGACAD company contributes to initiation and rapid development of digital construction in Lithuania. However AGACAD is an active BIM implementation initiator in not just Lithuania: company already has BIM standard development experience abroad, in 2013-2014 the company contributed to Danish Cuneco project, during which CSS (cuneco classification system) was developed, the common basis for digitalized cooperation in construction operation and maintenance, which increases efficiency and productivity throughout all construction processes.

The new BIM classification standard CCS, which was developed with contribution of AGACAD, is very important for the European Union, because the information of the standard ISO 12006 will be adjusted after the new BIM classification system is implemented. Therefore, AGACAD team actively contributes not only to BIM methodology development in Lithuania, but in the whole Europe too.

* Public institution Digital Construction (“Skaitmenine statyba”) unites 13 Lithuanian construction sector’s associations:

    1. Lithuanian Builders Association (Lietuvos statybininkų asociacija),
    2. Lithuanian Association of Engineering Consulting Companies (Lietuvos projektavimo įmonių asociacija),
    3. Lithuanian Architects’ Chamber (Lietuvos architektų rūmai),
    4. National Passive House Association (Nacionalinė pasyvaus namo asociacija),
    5. Association of Building Certification Experts (Pastatų sertifikavimo ekspertų asociacija),
    6. Lithuanian Association of Civil Engineers (Lietuvos statybos inžinierių sąjunga),
    7. Association of Structural Engineers (Statinių konstruktorių klubas),
    8. Lithuanian Roads Association (Asociacija „Lietuvos keliai“),
    9. Lithuanian Electricity Association (Lietuvos elektros energetikos asociacija),
    10. Polystyrene Foam Association (Polistireninio putplasčio asociacija),
    11. Building Product Testing Laboratory Association (Statybos produktų bandymų laboratorijų asociacija),
    12. Lithuanian Association of Land Reclamation Enterprises (Lietuvos melioracijos įmonių asociacija),
    13. Project Expertise and Fire Safety Companies Association (Projektų ekspertizės ir gaisro saugos įmonių asociacija).
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