NEW! Technology for Revit® Multi-Tier Cable Tray Hanger

Product news
September 14, 2016

Placing hangers in Revit® Model one by one is so yesterday. We are using Smart Hangers to place hangers with predefined distance between them automatically. We can set the distances from the first and last point of MEP line based element to place first and last hangers, we can set spacing between hangers as well.

Today, I was thinking about Electrical Engineers and their hard work while designing supports for Cable Trays in Revit. If the cable tray is modelled as one level element – again – it’s easy to do, but if the cable trays are distributed one under another it could be a challenge.

After creating a few new families for Autodesk Revit that are supported by Smart Hangers solution, I realised that this multi-tier hanger distribution is easy too. My workflow goes like this:

I prepared 2 different families – one regular unistrut trapeze hanger, another – family with only metal profile and some bolts.

I distributed hangers on the lowest Cable Tray. Hangers’ rods are crossing the rest of the Cable Trays and are connected to floor above:

Right now it is possible to distribute all the hanger parts. Do not mix the spacings between hangers, because all the parts should lay at the coresponding places.

As you can see all parts of the hanger are right at the point they need to be.

Some tricky things could occur while you have one Cable Tray that is narrower than others. In this case I suggest to use Length Left and Length Right parameters that are stretching the hanger families both ways. Please see the example below:

As you can see, the families are really flexible and handy. All the families are placed in our Smart Hangers’ Sample Projects. For trial versions we provide only Unistruts for Pipes, but full version of the project contains all the families (Hangers and Duct, Cable Tray and Conduit Supports).

Register to our Webinar and see the new possibilities of our NEW Smart Hangers families and workflows!

WEBINAR: Revit User FAQs about Hangers and Supports for MEP

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