We just released a new Cut Opening version with lots of new features. Some of them were implemented together with our customers from NIRAS and Mott MacDonald teams. You can read short description down below.
Dennis Berner @ NIRAS
Is the width/height the “world standard” for the hole size? Because as you see in this case, there is a parameter that are greater than the “hole” would it be possible to make your tool, so you have to map what parameter there are used from the arch model. My proposal to make it possible to change what parameters the tool should use, was just to make it easier for the architect to define their own doors and windows. But then they have to be consistent.
The Insert Structural Openings function is used to insert structural openings in the structural walls, in cases where architectural walls, windows, and doors are separated from the structural walls.

Now, the Cut Opening software looks for Rough Width and Rough Height parameters as well as Width and Height. If Cut Opening finds Rough Width and Rough Height parameters, it uses them; if not – simple Width and Height parameters. According to this selection, the Door or Window opening is inserted.
The opening type contains the same type name as the real door, but the opening is inserted in accordance to Rough Width and Rough Height.
Real life tips
Martin Petersmann @ GTB – Berlin mbH & Otto E Stallworth @ Mott MacDonald
The ability to combine multiple pipe diameters / dimensions, and assign a fixed opening diameter / dimension to them. For example: all pipes from DN20 to DN60 create an opening with a fixed diameter 100, DN 80 to DN100 with offset 50, DN120 – DN150 diameter 200, etc. This feature would be useful because in construction stage we always use the same openings for some pipe diameters.
We have created the possibility to choose an opening insertion in accordance to Cut Offset or Defined Opening Size.

Now users are able to define top, bottom, or overall cut offset or apply a defined opening size for some pipe diameters. By applying defined opening sizes, users are able to define a round opening’s diameter or a rectangular opening’s width and height.
We’re always on the lookout for feature requests and ideas from our clients. If you use our Revit plugins and you think something is missing, please contact us.
So, what’s on your wish list?