Is it hard to find what you need in your Revit® library? Tired of the tedious task of modifying types, materials, or parameters?
Then, Smart Browser Manage could be just the solution for you.
In this webinar, we’ll show how Smart Browser Manage helps you browse, sort, manage, and control your Revit® families with ease. Tune in to discover how this BIM solution can save up to 90% of the time required to modify Revit families. You’ll be the first to see the NEW FEATURES of this software’s updated version.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

In this 30 minute presentation, you’ll see how to:
- quickly and easily find Revit families in the library by parameter name, value, version, or host type.
- modify existing parameters of hundreds of selected families.
- modify materials of many selected families simultaneously.
- add, modify, and delete family types. You won’t need to rename types one by one!
- easily make changes to types coming from an external txt file. Type catalogues are fully supported!
- add new shared or family parameters to selected families.
- transfer family units from one family to another.
- find differences between families in a project and families in the library. Keep families in projects up-to-date!

Renata Jociene, MEng Architectural Engineering
AGACAD Lead BIM Application Engineer & Certified Autodesk Revit Architecture Professional

Synchronous Revit® Family Management
Smart Browser Manage adds or changes BIM object parameters and values based on rules, eliminating error-prone manual work to update Revit® families. Adapt in real time to new LOD specifications, object standards, and record-model needs, keeping project and library families in sync across your full BIM team.