A Few Answers to the Latest Questions of Wood Framing Wall+ Users

This blog post was inspired by one of Wood Framing Wall+ user’s series of questions. He was looking for advanced framing possibilities with Revit®, and decided to try our BIM solution and sent us some questions about timber wall framing. Since we receive similar questions from other clients too, I have decided to write a summary of Q&A that Wood Framing Wall+ users could find as many answers to their questions in one place as possible.

So here are a few questions about timber wall framing and answers to each of them:

”Hi! At last I installed Wood Framing Wall+ to my computer. I did simple project and this program is almost perfect. I have a few questions about it:

1. I can make framing schedules, but can I get notching information too to framing schedule? For example I have a wall with bridging like in the picture below, and same height wall without bridging, schedule information looks just the same. I need to specify studs with and without notch.”

Since there will be more questions in this blog post, I would like to make short stops after each question. So, let’s make a short stop to leave an answer to the first question. And here is the answer: every Wood Framing Wall+ user should know that he/she can include framing Volume or Mass into the schedule, sort them and the software will indicate that the frames are different.

Now let’s continue to another question:

“2. I made inside horizontal frame/nailers. At outer corners, nailers go like in the picture below. Is it possible to change the order of nailers so I could nail both nailers to frame stud?”

In general, Wood Framing Wall+ frames L Connections in the way it’s predefined under L Connections in Framing Configuration. Before framing I recommend you to pay attention how the walls are drawn in the plan view. Please read more about connections in the technical documentation: Wall+ L-Connections

“3. Almost the same as in point 2, but beside of window/door. Is it possible to extend horizontal nailers and put trimmers between nailers?”

There is an option – Vertical Free Nogging feature is from the new Wood Framing Wall+ version (so please update your Wood Framing Wall+ version that we have released on February, 2016). This feature is near Secondary Bridging/Nogging/Blocking which allows Revit user to add short vertical noggings together with horizontal nailers, in your case you should select Include Trimmer:

“4. How can I set maximal length of stud/plate? I need to send framing schedules to the manufacturer so they can do pre-cut components. For example top and bottom plates are often over 6 meters long which is too long.”

You can use Split Top/Bottom Plate function: select a stud which will split the plate and the plate itself:

“5. Can I make bottom plate like in the picture below? Upper bottom plate 48*172 and lower bottom plate 2pcs 48×48. There is plate in foundation which fits between lower plates.”

An answer to this question will be wider than answers to previous questions, so please keep up your attention and find my answer down below.

The family for the bottom pad should be MS_WF Double Plate.rfa. This family should be loaded additionally to your project from a special catalogue.

Path to the Special catalogue is shown in the picture below:

After loading the MS_WF Double Plate.rfa family, you have to create the type which is required, in your case 48×48:

Then you should predefine these setting near the Bottom Plate:

That’s all. If you make all the steps mentioned above, you can get the same result in the section view as it was provided in your sample:

“6. How can I add additional stud to the corner? I need two studs under the beam which is on the left side of left picture. Other picture I drew red rectangular where must be a second stud.
Add additional stud doesn’t work at corner and if I just copy stud, it isn’t visible in assembly.”

Regrding the corner, please use this connection type and enter “0” to Clear Spacing:

And here is the last item of this question series:

“7. Second question, how can I get framing visible in dashed line at sheathing drawing when I make shop drawings? Below is picture about that. I have inner and outer sheathing and this program tags both too.
When I click Reveal hidden elements –button, frame is hidden by element.

I want to get frame visible at siding picture too. There are only nailers. Can you help me?”

For the views with sheathing I suggest you to use separate view template:

This view template shows Parts, Structural Framing category and Show Hidden Lines, which is “All”:


Regarding the view with nailers: maybe the main frame is under the nailers in your wall? I mean it’s visible, but under nailers.

These are all Q&As about Wood Framing Wall+ usage for now. Hope that my answers will help you to create timber framing models more easily. And don’t forget – if you have any questions while working with any of our BIM solutions and extensions for Revit, all your questions are always welcome at e-mail support@aga-cad.com. Our BIM application engineers are always ready to help you.

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